Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Piano lessons

Singing makes so many people happy, whether listening or singing. Sing high, sing low. Sing blues, or folk or opera or Eastern. The more I sing the more I learn about music. And being in choirs gives me a social life. However, when I can't sing something I try to learn it by playing it on my piano. Now I have three incentives motivating me to remember how to play the piano. 
  1.  Watching BBC The Piano 
  2.  a local choir director KB who seems able to improvise anything 
  3.  Playing the songs I sing. 

Then, when a choir member gave me details of a local piano teacher, I contacted her. I've had a couple of lessons and improved some scales and playing the first 30 bars of "Farewell to Stromness". I'll play during the summer while I have so little OU tutoring and marking to do, and should make some progress. I wonder if playing the piano could make me as happy as singing does.