Saturday, January 08, 2011

Life, death and start again

Last year I had four funerals to go to - two nonagenarian aunties, an uncle, and the much younger husband of a long standing friend and colleague, so it was all rather sad. I'm delighted to report that this year starts with the announcement of an expected birth. One of my much loved step children rang me yesterday to announce the expected arrival of a new grandchild in July.

Hurrah! The more the merrier. I love big families - I always wanted one. The bigger the happier becuase there's always someone you'll get on with and find support from sometime, whether as a child or as an adult.


Joy said...

Congratulations, Liz - what a lovely start to 2011. When's the babe due?

Anonymous said...

Um...was there anyone you FORGOT TO TELL?


Anonymous said...

Yes, you weren't the only one to be informed via the blog.
