Sunday, October 27, 2024

How I met my best friend

Someone asked me how I met my best friend and who it was. 
When I was a young teenager, I came home from a tiff at school, the sort of tiff that teenage girls have, and miserably asked my mother who was her best friend. "Why, your father of course." she exclaimed without a moment's hesitation. It was a lesson for life. My parents were in love then and for the many decasdes that they lived after. 
 In my twenties, when I was on an airfield, (that's a good place for women to meet men, men with job, enough money to go gliding, and the ratio of men to women) I was asked out by several glider pilots One was a curly headed, blue eyed, intelligent, university student that I thought highly interesting. I put quick setting glue on my fingers and kept him for the rest of his life. 20 years. My best friend was my husband.

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