Monday, April 18, 2011


Went microlighting - never done it before - at a local airfield here. It's not like gliding because the controls feel different, but it is like gliding in an open top glider like the Baby Grunau I used to have. You can feel the wind on your face and whether you're flying straight or there's a slip wind. You also have to wrap up in a way you don't need to in an enclosed glider, so they lent me this amazingly cosy flying suit, all lined and zippable. You sit behind the pilot (in a glider you sit in front) and you talk via headphones under your helmet, so it's more technologically enabled than is gliding.
It's nice weather now to fly like this, though I don't reckon I'd want to go very high or fly in winter weather.

1 comment:

Joy said...

:0) NO WAY!!! :0)

J x