Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas preparation

Christmas preparations include getting the pudding ready. I was going to put a short video here, but I haven't yet got the technology right to show it.

I've been wrapping presents for the surprise parcel - half a dozen for one nephew and half a dozen for the other. They get to unwrap them at their parents' leisure, not on Xmas day. Aunty P used to do this for us, and we'd unwrap them on Christmas Eve, that quiet wet dull day when school has finished, but you can't have your presents yet. She would find, wrap and send to all four of us - and she also had to deal with her own five children - what a lot of work! She used to send me pencils with my name on - really useful, and an Enid Blyton diary - fab! (means cool in today's lingo)

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