Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sadistic subum

The Subum (means teacher) at tae kwondo was a bit grumpy tonight. As people arrived a tad late he stopped the warm up jog and made us do press-ups until the new-comers were ready. He wanted to do pad work but not enough of us had pads - these pads aren't cheap, so a family of four tends to have only one pair between them all. So he decided to do the tae kwondo twelve days of Christmas instead, with an evil scowl on his face.
  1. burpy
  2. squat thrusts
  3. punches
  4. star jumps working with a partner to clap as we jumped
  5. front kicks
  6. press ups
  7. sit ups
  8. side kicks
  9. double punches (means 18)
  10. jumping kicks
  11. some other kick
  12. some other exercise - does Subum think we're still moving?
He tells us this all adds up to 365 exercises, and so one for each day of the year, but I think it's 362 - how nice not to have to do three more. It's
1 * 12 twice, plus
2 * 11 twice, plus
3 * 10 twice, plus
4 * 9 twice, plus
5 * 8 twice, plus
6 * 7 twice
which is 24 + 44 + 60+ 72+ 80+ 82 = 362
Don't tell
subum, or he' ll think up some evil excuse to make us to three more.

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