Monday, July 27, 2009

Ceiling fell in

The roof fell in. We go away for a few days leaving a visitor in the house and our roof falls in. My mother always used to complain about my father, who wouldn't wake up when the children cried "He wouldn't wake up if the roof fell in", she used to complain. And then one night the roof did fall in. Well, it wasn't the roof; like our house it was the ceiling fell down, all over the set breakfast table. The plaster fell and my father heard and went to investigate while my mother slept.

Our hall ceiling fell down. We knew there was a crack in the plaster, but it would have to fall when we were away. I hadn't warned our visitor, who was naturally a bit upset. Our wonderful son-in-law came and cleared up and found a prop to keep the remaining plaster in place. The floor and my beautiful new expensive stair carpet are dusty. The glass shade on the Perseus lamp is broken, the banister a bit scratched, but not my grandmother's hall stand, because I'd left some spare carpet on it.

We've called in a plasterer.

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